Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I had a realization yesterday while walking at home.

I had a wonderful day yesterday because I made my heart soar.   I took my Tuesday Restorative Yoga class. From there I went to the first Sisterhood meeting of the year and told many friends the story of my office.  I am not walking the building because that would mean that I have to carry my pocketbook.

While walking, I realized that he has found the next topic to try to upset me with.  First, it was Linda, Jeff and Rhonne and on July 31, 2012, we know how that ended.   However, he failed and on moved on.

This summer, he was going to bait and banter about a new condo to set me up.  That failed and it is forgotten.

Now he's up to his prostate number which has gone up.  He knows that I have anxiety and he paints the bleakest picture each day.

I realized while walking that this was his new ploy to upset me.

He won't.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this realization!!!!

By the way, today I will make my heart soar by taking my private yoga lesson and discussing a book with Leslie.

OMG!!!  What a wonderful lesson!!!   My shoulders feel so much better that it is making my heart soar.  And tonight, I get to read GONE GIRL!!!!   Great night to come.......................

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