Monday, September 2, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty for guiding me and helping to make my summer a huge success.

I created strategies that worked.  I created intentions that worked.

I am going to either incorporate my intentions into my gratitude blog or create a blog titled intentions.  That's how successful it was.

I did my last summer of 2013 walk this morning.  In a haze with a little rain, I walked for 2 hours and 37 minutes!!!   I ended at the house and saw him coming out of the house with the doggie.  Wr went to Dunkin' Donuts and the doggie got a munchkin.  I truly love that doggie.

I read the newspapers and, I packed up the car for work tomorrow!!!   WOW!!!!

Matzah is going for a grooming later and then we will go to Fairway.

I would not say that this summer has made us friends.  I would say that, because of yoga, I know how to handle myself and I will be safe this Fall.

Thank you, Almighty for making the summer of 2013 a success.

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