Monday, November 24, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new realizations!!!!

It is a transition when you retire.  It is change.  It allows you to think of things that you don't want to think about.  I'm beginning to realize this and I am going to make changes in my life to be able to move forward.

The younger one is NOT coming for Thanksgiving. She is going on vacation.  She has now, after being gay, marrying an Orthodox black man and divorcing him,  decided to become TRANSGENDER.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!  I am working on moving on.  I will succeed!!!!!

Last night we saw the film, Whiplash.  It was excellent. 

Today I will walk, probably in Home Depot and then take a yoga class. I it clears up as it promises to do I will walk the extra hour outside.

The  Jewish Adult Institute courses meet tonight and we will attend.

With the help of the Almighty, I will come to new realizations and move forward with my life. I will have an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE so that I can LET GO THAT WHICH DOESN'T SERVE ME AND HEAL!!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

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