Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

It's been a few months since I retired and I had forgotten how enjoyable it is NOT TO WORK, NOT TO HIDE OUT AT WORK!!!!!   Instead I was having a pity-party for the things that I don't have.  That's going to stop right now!!!!!  I am going to enjoy each day of my life and the newness that it brings.  I am not going to get involved with people who are TOXIC for me or who look down at me because I don't have the typical life that they have or are jealous of me because I am retired and have a pension.

I am going to enjoy each and everything that I do.

Last night I went to a Rod Stewart musical presentation at Cinema Arts with him.  It was quite good and we enjoyed it.  He wasn't half bad.  I know what he is and I know how to handle him. That's what matters.

My shoulder still hurts but it too is improving.

It's FREEZING out there.  I will walk at HOME DEPOT and will walk only for one hour like I did when I was working.

I have a yoga class today.

Today is the YOGA BOOK CLUB.

I also have dinner out and a SISTERHOOD BOOK CLUB to attend this evening.

Life is good.  I had forgotten the joy of not working.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

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