Monday, November 3, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because today is Monday.  I am retired.  I do not have to go to work.  Monday is my new favorite day!!!!

Yesterday worked out very well.   I finished my book for the Yoga Book Club and will begin one for the Sisterhood Book Club.  We watched the film, The Others.  It was a Netflix film that I held for a long time.  We went out to dinner at Morrison's and Michael welcomed us back. I was able to watch Olive Kittridge on HBO also.

We also decided to winterize the condo.  The season is over and it's time to close the condo down until next year.  I don't care if we purchase a new condo. I'm living in the moment.

I have decided not to be so hard on myself and try and enjoy life.

The clocks were changed Saturday night so that today on a beautiful and cold day, I can walk earlier.  I am going to take my yoga class and then head off to a book discussion at the library.

I am beginning to pick and choose what I want to do and what I don't want to do.  I did not want to miss yoga to have lunch with the ladies.  This is beginning to remind  me of when I entered college and I had to decide on a social course of action.

Tonight is my class at The Adult Institute too!!!!

I am grateful for all the good in my life.

I am grateful that I decided to retire.

Thank you, Almighty for my new life and for helping me to make these decisions.

I am grateful to you!!!

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