Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am learning to live in love and not fear.

Yesterday I went to my yoga class and I heard Leslie say that we must not live in fear.  We must recognize that we did the best that we possibly could and cannot do anything more.  We have to learn to love ourselves, to enjoy ourselves and to appreciate who we are.  Each time that I think about the triad, I will remember this.

Today is a beautiful day and I will walk outside.  It is also Election Day and I'm going to vote. I have a Restorative Yoga class tonight.  I'm hoping to order my beginner oil kit tonight.

There are errands also.  The truck goes in for inspection.  I hope to vote also.

Thank you Almighty for helping me to live in love and not fear.   I will try not to feel responsible for everything that they are.

I am grateful.

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