Sunday, November 30, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am letting go of that which doesn't serve me so that I can heal.

I am still in a state of shock that he didn't want to go on Thanksgiving to have dinner with them.  Could it be that the younger one was going "on vacation?"  Could it be that it was to be a 90 minute dinner?  Could it be that he finally saw what I have been seeing?

The younger one who is now transgender NEVER went on vacation but was invited by the older one to a dinner last night!!!!

He has decided to buy another condo!!!  Let's see if this happens.............

I watched PETER, PAUL and MARY sing last night on Channel 21 for their 50th anniversary. I wondered where the girl that I was went.  This was a very strong, assertive person.  

I have decided to move forward with my own life so that I can heal.  It's time to be polite and to move forward.

Today I walked and went to yoga.

We are going to see a film tonight and then to dinner.

I'm moving forward and closing doors behind me.

Thank you, Almighty for helping me to let go.

I am grateful!!!!

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