Tuesday, November 18, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the new friends that I have made at yoga.

Yesterday I went out to breakfast with Debbie and Grace.  It was pleasant and a lot of fun.  I told them about my shoulder pain and they gave me advice which was very helpful.  It still hurts but not as much.

Last night was my course at The Adult Institute.   The lecture afterwards about the bombing in Beruit in 1983 was very interesting.

Today I won't be able to walk outside.   I will walk at Home Depot in the afternoon.  It is 20 degrees outside and very windy!!!!!

I have errands to do at the bank and at Harmon's.

I will read my new book, and newspapers and drink DD coffee.

I'm taking a new yoga class called Prana Yama Yoga this morning.

I'm excited!!!!

Tonight we will go to Cinema Arts.  There will be a film of the work of Rod Stewart and a reception.  As it works out, Debbie and Grace will be there.

Thank you Almighty for new friends and acquaintances.

I am grateful.

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