Wednesday, December 14, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because I practiced yoga yesterday and the instructor spoke of "letting it flow like water."  She then spoke of "accepting change."  If you can't do that you must "walk out of the room."

It hit home.  That was exactly what that psychiatrist said to me on that fateful day July 31, 2012. 

I need to do this with all of them and now that I am aware of this and it makes sense to me, I most definitely will do that.  I will do it for me.  I have become much better about not acknowledging to them the horror that they cause.  However now I must let go of them completely meaning not to let anything that they do or say bother me.

Today is my checkup.  I hope and pray that it is a good one.

More later........................................................................

The doctor said that my checkup was excellent and to keep up the good work.  I'm on the list for an ecocardiagram in March.

We went out to dinner to celebrate.  I ate not one but two desserts!!!!!

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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