Friday, December 2, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has given me an open mind.  As a result of that I am able to absorb the things that I learn.  I am able to apply them to my life.

Today I an going for my yearly blood test.  I hope and pray that it will be without issues so that I can continue to enjoy the new life that the Almighty has given me.  My checkup is in about two weeks.

I continue to enjoy all the things that I do.  Today I will walk, practice yoga and I am having my hair blown out.

I am treating myself with calmness and kindness.  I think that this is the result of the meditation that I practice daily. As a result of this I have more time to enjoy life.

I hope and pray that the Almighty will continue to love and protect me.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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