Thursday, December 22, 2016


I am grateful to the almighty for the new path that He has placed me on.

It is a new story.  It is slow going.  I am taking some of the old story with me.  However I am a different person with different goals, dreams and expectations.  I know how to take care of myself.  I treat myself with love and compassion and positive affirmations.

Gone are the false dreams and expectations. They have been replaced by my very own truth. I am beginning to understand my core and my essence. I see the authentic me.  I am intimate with myself.  This unfolds each day.  I'm learning how to keep myself safe, healthy and happy.  

I am grateful that the Almighty continues to walk beside me to help me create a new story.

Today I practiced yoga, walked at The Home Depot, attended an art lecture at the library and participated in my Memory Workshop.

That is a wonderful new path.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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