Monday, January 21, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because I appreciate my new life.

This morning I slept until 8AM.  There was no fear of being abused.  No one could stare at me or ignore me or make a snide comment.  There were no phone calls that started with, "Good morning Ellen are you?"  I did not have to get up at 6:30AM to leave the house by 8AM to walk outside or at The Home Depot.

I arose.  It was 7 degrees outside.  I took care of Matzah and had breakfast and took my medicine.  I retrieved my newspapers from the driveway and went back to sleep until 8:45.   

I drank coffee, ate blueberries and watched my new television.

I laid on the sofa with Matzah and slowly read the papers.

I texted and spoke to my friends and my daughters.  I know who they are and I accept what they are.

Later I will read my book, work on my puzzle and clean a dresser.

Life is so good.

I so appreciate it Almighty.

Thank you for making it possible.

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