Wednesday, January 16, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

The inside and outside Arlene are coming together.  I no longer fear coming home nor do I have to create strategies to be safe in my own home.  I enjoy living each day which is a first for me.

I have friends that aren't afraid to call or make plans with me.  I have fun.

I feel like a greenhorn in my own town experiencing the wonders of the town.

I have a boyfriend too!!!!!

Yesterday I had lunch with a friend which was a first to me.  We created a plan where we will have lunch every Tuesday.  

I got a manicure and went to my Sisterhood Executive Board Meeting.  

Today I'm having brunch with Jay.   I'm going to therapy.  In the evening I'm going to Sisterhood Bingo with Sangria. I'm reading again.  I'm watching television too.  How's that for fun?

I am so grateful to the Almighty for all of this.

Thank you!!!

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