Wednesday, January 30, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has made my life a balanced one.

When I grew up and while I was married my life was definitely not balanced.  I had a wonderful life both times outside of the house.  

I was emotionally abused in both houses.  I had to create strategies to keep myself safe. I did a lot of crying until I learned to hide my emotions because it gave my abusers joy to make me upset.  My mother said that any comment was "for my own good."  The man I married said "I am always miserable.  You are always happy.  I want you to be as miserable as me."  He created nonsense arguments to satiate himself as he was a psychopath and I cried.  I went to work with red and swollen eyes never knowing what I was arguing about.

When I left the house I became a totally different person and I had joy and fun outside both houses.

Now my abusers are dead.  

The two parts of myself are integrated and I have joy both inside and outside the house.  I balance chores and fun.

The Almighty has given me a balanced life.

I am grateful.

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