Friday, January 18, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty for the peace and quiet that I am experiencing in my new life.

Yesterday I had my hair colored........I now have a giant pink streak across my hair.

I went shopping at Fairway because two major storms were coming late yesterday into today.  The second one will start on Saturday night with snow.......then rain........and when the temperature drops there will be ice.  It will last Saturday night into Monday.

I went out for Thai food with my friend Margie and came home last night to peace and quiet.  I did not have to make up stories in order to be safe.

Today I slept later and shoveled snow.  I read the newspapers and spoke to John, "the boyfriend."   I spoke to a number of my friends too.  I read my book.  I'm collecting tax information also.  

I lit candles and had my Shabbos dinner quietly.

My daughters who are both triggers tried and they failed to upset me.

It was a peaceful and quiet day.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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