Thursday, December 5, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because I practiced yoga in Margaret's class today and she spoke of the peace and quiet in each one of us that we can draw upon at any time we need it.

I really needed to hear that today because today I realized that it was Martin sending Leslie those crazy e-mails.  While I was trying to keep him alive and healthy, he was bent on destroying me.  I actually cried at the studio and have thought about this all day.  Isn't it enough that I have biological daughters that feel he walked on water and that Dana is actually naming her child after him??  Thank goodness for yoga because I will ride this out!!!

The Sisterhood Book Club was lots of fun last night.  We went to Taby's and I was very supported by my friends.

Today I will practice yoga and order books for the next two Sisterhood Book Club meetings.

My friend Karen is coming over and we are going to Westbury Gardens for tea and to see the house.  It should be fun.

I know that there is peace and calm within me.  I am grateful to the Almighty for this. Sometimes it's just hard to reach because I am feeling bombarded.

Thank you Almighty for being there for me.  You're going to have to work extra hard today!!

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