Monday, December 2, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty for the peace that I have in my life.

Yesterday was a case in point.  I awoke to a day where there would be rain, sleet and snow.  I was able to practice yoga at 9AM in Doreen's class.  I had a plan.  I went Citibank and then to pick up medication.  I went to Trader Joe's and put gas in the truck.  From there I was weighed at WW and I proceeded to the butcher and to pick up a chopped salad at Pasteria.  I returned to do a wash and pay bills. The chicken dinner that I made was delicious and I watched television and had wine while I ate.  All within the calm and quiet of my home.

Today I again woke up peacefully.  I gave Matzah Reiki and brushed him too.  Today it plans to snow again in the later afternoon.  If so I won't attend The Jewish Institute.  However today I will practice yoga and do some chores too.

My home gets its weekly cleaning today too.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the peace and quiet in my life.

Thank you.

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