Sunday, December 15, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because I understand that I have the power inside me to be calm and quiet.  I live in the Present......not in the Past or Future.

I had a wonderful quiet day in my home yesterday.  After services there was no need to run out of the house to go anywhere.  I was quiet and content.  I read my Lisa See book and finished it.  I organized my yoga books.  I was content.

Today I will practice yoga in Doreen's class.

I will also be doing  variety of errands.......Fairway, Citibank, Plainview Library, Harmon's and gassing up the truck.

I came home to read the newspapers with Dunkin' Donuts coffee. I need to complete the stories for tomorrow's Adult Institute.  It's the last class!!!   I will also fill out Christmas cards for Nick and Louis and start my next book.

I have learned that I am in charge of me.  I don't have to be difficult with myself or judge myself.  I can just be.

Thank you Almighty for the new stillness inside me.

I am grateful.

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