Tuesday, December 3, 2019


I am so grateful to the Almighty because of the inner peace that I feel.

Yesterday was a prime example.  There is a snow storm coming and so after I practiced yoga I went to Fairway and loaded up on groceries.  I came home to clean the entire house and then have dinner.  I called friends.  In the evening I read and watched The Good Doctor.  I have never felt so peaceful and I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Today I did not practice yoga in the studio.  We got an awful lot of snow so I went out and shoveled it.  It was fun!!!  I feel safe and comfortable in my own home and I'm grateful.  I will do some chores inside today.  I have therapy later and just maybe I'll take an evening yoga class.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the inner peace that I have.

Thank you.

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