Tuesday, December 10, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because the Almighty had me  practice yoga in Leslie's class yesterday and she spoke of gratitude for good health.

Thanks to the Almighty my physical health (Body)  is good thanks to diet and exercise.  I will go to Dr. Vezza on Friday for the beginning of my annual checkup.  With the help of the Almighty I will be fine.

I need to work on my emotional health (Mind).  I must continue to remember to stay in the present moment and let go of that which doesn't serve me.  I have the Power to do this and I will continue to monitor myself.

Today I'm going to practice yoga and have lunch with my girlfriends.  Last night's session at The Adult Institute was wonderful.  I enjoyed going with Gail and Rhonnie.

I'm also going to do some chores today.  Snow tomorrow!!!!!

Thank you Almighty fr keeping me in good health both physically and emotionally.  

I am grateful!

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