Sunday, January 31, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for another beautiful new winter day.

I am healthy and I am happy.

Yesterday at the Restorative and Reiki Workshop I learned that if you let go of that which doesn't serve you, you have a great deal more energy.  That explains why I have been so energized lately. I am grateful for this.

I am going to practice yoga and then walk at The Home Depot where they call me, Arlene the Walker."  

I placed him in charge of what we do later this afternoon.  Let's see what happens..........................................

Later:  He picked Son of Saul as the film to see.  I was delighted.  It was a foreign historical film.  Dinner was at Brio.  I was again delighted.

I am grateful to you Almighty for this wonderful day.

Thank you.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for this beautiful new day.

Each day is a new beginning for me.

I am healthy.  I am happy.  I am secure in the fact that I know just what to do to keep myself safe.

Today there is a Men's Club and Sisterhood Sabbath at PJC.  I will be wearing yoga clothes because I have a Restorative Yoga and Rieki Workshop later on today.  I will walk at The Home Depot too.

My new book is excellent.  I love to read and that is a blessing.  On these cold winter days it takes me away from where I am.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

Friday, January 29, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has given me courage.

I have had the courage to make the impossible possible for my new life.

The Almighty has made me happy, healthy and joyful.

I am so grateful for this.

Thank you.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has made me a strong woman.

In these dark, cold days of winter it can be really difficult to be in the house with a person who does nothing but bitch and complain about everything.  He has found a "companion" to listen to him in his sister-in-law.  Its a shame that he didn't marry someone like her.

I smile because even in these cold and dark days of winter I am happy.  Each day has a thought out plan and I accomplish it.

Today I will walk early at The Home Depot and only for an hour.  I will be practicing yoga in two classes.  One is new.  It's a kundalini class.  I'm excited.  This afternoon I will get my hair colored and blown out.  Perhaps we will go out for dinner.  My new book is excellent and almost at its end.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my life.                                                                                          

 I am grateful that I am strong and can withstand all the negativity in this house and go on to live a quality life.

Thank you.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because the snow has melted and I will be able to be up and about today on my own.

I'm off to walk at The Home Depot and then to practice yoga.  Chores will follow. 

More later......................

I was able to walk for 2 hours at The Home Depot and then practice yoga.  I did a variety of chores and then came home to drink DD coffee and read the paper, read my book and go on the computer.

It's so amazing how I have made the impossible possible.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He saw fit to help me find yoga.

Yesterday I took a class where the instructor said that in order to change ourselves we must change our WORDS, ACTIONS and THOUGHTS!!!!!

I have been doing that these last 4 years and I am so in control of myself and feel so much better.

Today is another day of ice and snow.   Let's see what happens.  More later...........................

He dropped me off at yoga and I was able to take the class that I usually take.  Then we walked at The Home Depot and I was able to walk for 1 1/2 hours!!!  I then paid for lunch at The Broadway Diner and we walked the Broadway Mall.  I have been looking for small earrings and a jewelry store called me.  I went with him and made a purchase of not one BUT three pairs of little earrings and bought DD coffee.

I'm now making dinner and will read later.  As a true yogi I will not create a dream that this day will be indicative of nice days to come.  I live in the moment and this was a lovely day.

I should also tell you that the snow has melted as it was 45 degrees outside.  I will be able to drive myself tomorrow.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful!!

Monday, January 25, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have learned how to look inside myself, to be intimate with myself, to see inside myself and to see that which I need.

This is winter, a very cold season in New York.  We have just had a major blizzard, The Blizzard of 2016.  I am going to look inside myself all day to see that which I need and to let go that which I don't.

I will start the morning off by going to yoga and walking in The Home Depot.  Only you can make it happen.  I will write more later to see how it goes........................

He drove me to yoga and I did introduce him to my yogi friends.  We walked at The Home Depot and then went on a variety of chores.  I said exactly what I had to and the day went smoothly.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Thank you.

Sunday, January 24, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because at 6:30am the doorbell rang and there was Santos and his men ready to shovel us out.  And they did!!!  We received over 20 inches of snow!!  It was like having an entire winter in one day.

I was so proud of myself yesterday.  I was in the house all day with him doing, enjoying and competing what I wanted to do.  Everything that I wanted to straighten up or clean up was done.  Friends were texted and spoke to all day long.  I was able to read.  I was able to relax.  I passed the test with flying colors!!!!!

My studio is closed today and I will depend on him to be mobile.  Let's see what happens. More later.........................

Later:   Santos had to return to re-plow the lip. I have been reading The NY Times, straightening up, relaxing, texting and taking cool pictures.  More later........................

Later: We walked at The Home Depot.  I walked for 1 1/2 hours which is usual for me in the winter. We went to Bed and Bath and then home.  I made a delicious salmon, broccoli, and spaghetti squash dinner and managed to avoid difficult conversation which is most of the conversation that you can have with him.  I smile as I write this!!

I aced the day with the help of the Almighty.

Thank you, Almighty.

I am grateful.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has created a blizzard today.

It is the Sabbath.  Obviously I could not go to services so for the first time in forever, I slept late and peacefully.

I will say my mantras at home and then say my prayers quietly.  I will straighten up some drawers and cabinets quietly.  I will read my new book.

I will just be in the moment.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this day.

Thank you.

Friday, January 22, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for His help in whatever it is that I try to do.

He is always by my side.

I am grateful for this.

Thank you.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new retired life.

I am happy and healthy and it is up to me to let go of that which doesn't serve me so that I continue to be happy and healthy.

Today I will walk at The Home Depot.  My plan is to practice yoga afterwards and to do some chores in anticipation of a major snow storm that is predicted this weekend. 

I will continue with my sugar-less plan.   The cardiologist told me to keep up the good work in both diet and exercise.  He did not prescribe medication.  He did not say that I had high blood pressure so I put the machine away.

Tonight the plan is to see Room and go out to dinner.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my new retired life.

Thank you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has helped me to create a wonderful life.

I walked this morning at the mall for 2 hours.  I was able to purchase yoga clothes too.
I practiced yoga at my studio.

My new sugar-less program is going well.

I went to the cardiologist and I AM FINE thanks to the Almighty.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this day.

Thank you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has blessed me with a new day.

I am healthy and happy.

My sugar-less, watching carb program seems to be working.

I will be walking at The Home Depot this morning.  It's 17 degrees outside and yet I have managed my 2 hours inside.   I will practice yoga.  I have a book discussion scheduled for this afternoon. I have to drop Purim monies off at PJC.  I also have a manicure pedicure!!!! It's too cold outside.

Tonight I will read and relax.  I will be stir frying tofu and veggies. 

Thank you, Almighty.

I am grateful.

Monday, January 18, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for sending me to yoga.  It was there that I learned about perception.

Yesterday was a case in point.  He was in a foul mood so that when I called him from The Home Depot, he didn't know if he wanted to do anything because he was tired.  I could do something by myself.  There was no argument from me. I had an idea conceived by perception.  We should  eat dinner first and then see  the film, The Reverent, afterwards.  He agreed and lucky for me we had separate seats in the theatre.....we were the last two seat sold. Three hours to watch a film without him that he paid for!!!!  The Almighty is truly watching over me.

This morning it snowed and there is ice.  I will walk The Home Depot, practice yoga and do some shopping.

A quiet day is planned.

I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me perception.

Thank you.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has taught me how to have "ME" days.

This morning I ate my healthy breakfast and then it was off to practice yoga.  Walking was done for 2 hours at The Home Depot because it was cold.  Chores were done, DD coffee without flavors or sugar was sipped as I read 2 newspapers.

He tried to begin an argument and failed.  Who could banter and needle with someone who doesn't answer?

A film and dinner will end the day.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my "ME" day.

Thank you.


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has helped me to make the IMPOSSIBLE..........POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was Shabbos.  I loved going to services.

I loved the quiet of the day as on a January afternoon, I was able to walk outside for 2 hours.  I loved being able to read quietly and rest.

I thought that with him watching a film that he rented from NETFLIX (I gave the NEFLIX program to him.  I no longer want to watch with him.) he would be quiet.  However he still tried and failed to needle and banter.

I have made the IMPOSSIBLE.................POSSIBLE.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Thank you.

Saturday, January 16, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because I went to yoga yesterday.

I heard the instructor speak of changing the impossible to the possible.

I was amazed!!!!  Didn't I do that on July 31, 2012?   I changed the impossible into the possible and created a wonderful life for MYSELF!!!!

I am so grateful to the Almighty for this.

Thank you.

Friday, January 15, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because tonight is the Sabbath with all the peacefulness that it brings.

Today I will walk at The Home Depot and then practice yoga. 

I'm going to get my hair blown out today.

Thank you Almighty for my life.

I am grateful.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for today a new day filled with adventure.

Yesterday we went to Cinema Arts to see Carol.  Afterwards there was time to go to the mall to purchase yoga clothes and then creams.  We went to dinner too.  All of this was accomplished quite and peacefully because I have learned NOT to respond to stupid remarks.  I'm proud of me.

I am still following my sugar-less program.

Today I will walk in The Home Depot and then practice yoga.  I will return to complete the walk.  I will do some chores.

I have a periodontist appointment.  

I pray to the Almighty that all goes well. (LATER:  All went well. The bonding didn't break.  I have to go back to check a tooth in February.)

Thank you Almighty for this day.

I am grateful.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me an inner light and helping me to make it shine.

I am loving each one of my days that are filled with joy and happiness. Today I will walk at The Home Depot for 2 hours and then practice yoga.  I also have my Yoga Book Club this afternoon.  When I come home I'm off to see Carol at Cinema Arts and then dinner out.

I finally am living in the now letting go of that which doesn't serve me.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He really did lead me on the path to retirement. It is so wonderful because it is peaceful and quiet and yet I do so many wonderful and new things.

Today it is 20 degrees outside.  I will walk The Home Depot and then practice yoga.  I will return later to complete the walk.  I will visit Trader Joe's too.

I have a book club discussion tonight.

I love all these things.

I am grateful to the Almighty for helping me to retire.

Thank you.

Monday, January 11, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

It's a quiet, calm and wonderful life filled with simple pleasures.  I am quieter around him BUT not in my head where I make my plans.   Yesterday I practiced yoga and then as it was pouring I walked at the Walt Whitman Mall.  Afterwards I bought myself an amazing new pocketbook and wallet.  A sugarless lunch followed a sugarless breakfast.  Yummy!!!  In the afternoon we were able to go to Cinema Arts to see The Danish Girl and have dinner.  Every that I have done 
was done quietly.  

Today's walk will be done at The Home Depot.  Then I will practice yoga.  It's lunch with yogi friends afterwards.   It's a lovely day!!!

Thank you Almighty for my new life.

I am grateful.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for a new day.

I am happy.

I am healthy.

My sugar-less plan is working!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Thank you.

Saturday, January 9, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He gave me the ability to plan.

That has made each and every day a fun and enjoyable one.

Thank you Almighty for this skill.

I am grateful.

Friday, January 8, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has taught me to live in the moment.

Last night he and I went to see the Star Wars film.  I focused totally on the film and really enjoyed it.  I focused on dinner and thoroughly enjoyed it. I received a text from the older daughter during the film, read it later and responded this morning.  I was proud of me.

I'm doing well on my sugar-free program.

Today it's cold again.  Alas, it's winter.   I'm going to walk at the Huntington Mall  and then go to practice yoga.  Chores will follow.  Reading will happen later in the afternoon.

I'm having my hair blown out at ID Salon by Lauren.

Tonight is the Sabbath with all the joy that brings.

Thank you Almighty for teaching me to live and appreciate the moment.

I am grateful.

Thursday, January 7, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has taught me how to be safe in a climate that is very unsafe.  As the cold winter days begin and he has very little to do, attacking me is his one joy.  He will try as hard as he can to throw out issues.  Maybe I will take the hook and we can begin needling and bantering again.  However that hasn't happened because I have learned that quiet and short declarative sentences is the way to do.  Silence is hard for me but I try and succeed I might add.

Yesterday was a wonderful day which culminated in dinner with Sisterhood friends and a book discussion.   I was able to keep to my sugarless program without calling attention to myself. It was fun.  The book we read was about widows and their lives.  Someone pointed out that there can be loneliness in failed marriages that stay together for a variety of reasons. THAT IS MY MARRIAGE AND I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT LIKE THAT.  It gave recognition to concepts that I had never thought of.

Yesterday I walked the mall and outside.  This morning I will walk at Home Depot and then practice yoga.  I have to do some chores afterwards.  

Today is a day that he is planning.  Let's see what happens.   It should be interesting.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I know how to be safe.

Thank you.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for all the wonderful blessings in my life.

My sugar-less program is working very well and I am learning new things about it every day. For example yesterday I went to B Well Naturally and Peter told me to start the day with a protein.  I have also learned to make oatmeal from scratch.

It is freezing outside.  I walked at Home Depot yesterday.  Today I will walk at the Walt Whitman Mall before yoga.  I will try to purchase something with the extra LuluLemon money that I have left over from Mother's Day.  (Later-  I bought a pair of pants.)   

I am now going to walk outside for an hour.

Yesterday I really enjoyed the Memory Workshop at the Sisterhood meeting.  Tonight I will have dinner out with Sisterhood friends and attend a book discussion.

I am talking about the girls with him less and less and sleeping much better.  I know how to handle him.

I count my blessing each day and I am grateful.

Thank you so much Almighty for being there for me.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because I practiced yoga yesterday and heard Leslie say that the work of 2016 was  TRUST.

We are all born with a trusting nature.  Life and the people in it take that away from us.  In my case it was my parents who did that to me.  I married someone who continued the abuse.  

The Almighty made me a strong person and I continually fought back until the present day.

I continue to fight back in my retirement.  Without trust in yourself you can't move forward.

Today I will walk at Home Depot.  It is 12 degrees outside.  Yesterday, after book club, I finished my walk outside and almost froze.  I will practice yoga and do some chores.  Tonight I will practice yoga and attend a Sisterhood Meeting.

Thank you Almighty for being there for me.

I am grateful.

Monday, January 4, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new retired life.

Winter has come in with a bang.  I'm off to walk for an hour in Hoe Depot and then to take my two yoga classes.  I have a book discussion to attend afterwards.  Big fun!!  It's the activities like this that make me enjoy life.

I am still on my sugarless plan and again taking blood pressure for the cardiologist. 

Thank you Almighty for my new life.

I am grateful.

Sunday, January 3, 2016


I am so grateful because the Almighty sent me to yoga today.

I slept late because it was really cold outside and I walked for my usual 2 hours BUT this time in the afternoon.  I don't believe I will do that tomorrow because the temperature will only go up to 32 degrees.  Home Depot here I come!!!

However I did practice yoga.  The instructor spoke of creating an intention for the year and trying to understand its origin.  For example, if you want to loose weight, the question would be WHY?

I realized that every intention that I say in the morning comes from my need to be EMOTIONALLY and PHYSICALLY healthy.

She then talked about creating a MATRA with the words,  I CAN.................

This is my for the year and I'm going to make a chart and hang it up in the music room.  Everything I do relates to it.


By the way, the oatmeal was wonderful and I also managed to go to Weight Watchers.  I'm doing well on the sugar-less program that I created!!!!

Thank you, Almighty.

I am grateful.


I am grateful to the Almighty because throughout all the misery that I have had in my life, He has kept me safe.

I am grateful for each day and all of the individual pleasures that it brings to me.

I have changed my schedule.  I will practice yoga and then walk.  It's too cold to walk outside in the morning.  Winter has arrived.

I also intend to go to Weight Watchers for January.

I am doing well on my sugarless diet.  This afternoon I will cook oatmeal.  I started to take my blood pressure again.  Life goes on.......................... 

Thank you Almighty for keeping me safe.

I am grateful.

Saturday, January 2, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for this.........the first Sabbath of the New Year.

I will attend services.

I will walk and read.

I will appreciate the quiet stillness in my life.

Thank you, Almighty.

I am grateful.

Friday, January 1, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because it is almost time to light candles to usher in the Sabbath. I needed to thank the Almighty for a wonderful day.

I walked for two hours in the morning on a cold winter day.  Winter has finally decided to arrive in New York after a balmy December where the temperature was 70 degrees on Christmas Day.  I practiced yoga at an All Levels class at the studio which was the New Years Day class.  I purchased some groceries and drank DD coffee while I read the newspapers.  I'm going to read my book now.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this wonderful day.

It was a day filled with peace and quiet.

Thank you so much.

I am grateful.


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new retired life.

I am going to make it a good one.

My intention is to let go of one thing that doesn't serve me.   I am going to let go of those girls in that I am going to try and not get emotionally involved with them.

Thank you Almighty for my health and happiness.

I am grateful.