Thursday, February 4, 2016


I am so grateful to the Almighty because He sent me to yoga and it was from yoga that I learned so many things.

I have learned that it is time to find my true self.  I need to be intimate with myself, to go inside myself, to see what I need.  I have the freedom to release myself from the binds that strangle me.  I have choices.

I was brought up to be respectful to parents and to do for them.  To gain love, I did whatever they wanted and yet, it wasn't enough.  I chose a husband who was modeled after my mother and repeated the same scenario.  When I had children, I always put their needs first.  When they disrespected me, I found excuses.

I have choices now.  I choose to put myself and my needs first.  That is why life feels like a vacation and I am enjoying it so much.

Book discussions, yoga, Sisterhood meetings, new friends, lunches, shopping, new synagogues, courses, new stores, films, dinners,  synagogue events, being accepted as is a joy.

I am healthy.

I am happy.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Thank you.

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