Monday, February 15, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have passed yet another test.  I believe that this was the Final Examination and I received an "A."

The older one called me because she had been rejected from the co-op that she wanted to live in.  She wondered if he had done anything to make this happen.  That's his M.O.  However, his behavior now affects her and so she called me.  

No one cared about me on that fateful day July 31, 2012.

I didn't think he did anything and I told her so.  However this is his M.O. so who really knows??

I asked him in a very quiet voice and he became furious.  He cursed at her and said all sorts of horrible things.  I listened but did not respond.

Today he continued this mantra and again I didn't respond.  I listened.

It has become so easy to be quiet and listen.

I passed with an "A".

I am so grateful to the Almighty for teaching me this.  Had I not learned it, I could never have retired OR retired and been miserable.  I have so much more time to enjoy my life now.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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