Tuesday, February 23, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He sent me to the doctor yesterday.

My blood pressure is fine.  I have re-done my diet adding carbs.  I now understand that I have to have carbs and protein with each meal.  I don't have to have sugar.  I can have Splenda in my coffee.  What happiness!!!!

I did binge yesterday and had 4 pieces of chocolate and 2 granola bars.  My weight went up!!! This morning I will have oatmeal and a muffin with cheese.  No sugars BUT lots of carbs.  I want to get the weight up to what it was.

I will practice yoga.  I will walk. I have a book discussion on The Age of Innocence to attend today.

I am having chicken, veggies and rice for dinner tonight.  What joy.

I have joy. I have energy. I will have a good day.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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