Tuesday, April 26, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has made me brave enough to make changes in my life.  He has helped me not to feel guilty about these changes and to realize that I have become a healthier person as a result of them.

The changes that I made to the Passover holiday helped me to become healthier.  Going to Seders at PJC was a wonderful experience.  I hope to do that again.  I realized that the girls didn't care at all.  The older one said that her Seders were good. What Seders???  She never believed or was respectful about any aspect of Judaism. I never asked.  She didn't ask about mine and I didn't share.  The younger one never even called.

Yesterday was a wonderful day in that he was gone most of the day and I could breathe.

Today I will practice yoga.  It has rained and I might have to walk at The Home Depot.  I have an afternoon book discussion to attend also. (Update:  I walked at The Home Depot for an hour and outside for an hour and was caught in the rain.)

I am grateful for all the changes in my life.

Thank you Almighty.

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