Sunday, April 24, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because I experienced a wonderful second seder at PJC last night.

I sat with many synagogue friends and enjoyed conversation with them.  The seder progressed beautifully.  There were no surprises.  Everyone participated with joy.  I read aloud and answered questions.  I even said the Four Questions in Yiddish which brought me back to the time of my grandmother, Bubbie Hudel,  when I recited the Four Questions in Yiddish at our seder for her.  It was so different from what I experienced with the triad and I was so grateful for this.  Because I am now attending community seders I have taken away all their power. This can't sit well with them.

However, it is my time now.

I told the Rabbi that I would not be in services today and I was sleeping late and taking some needed r&r.  He said that if he were me he would do the same thing.  I will see him Friday at the conclusion of Passover and Saturday for Yizkor.

I am grateful that I am no longer stuck.  I have created space by making choices that are healthy for me.  I approached the seders with an open heart and I am happy.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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