Thursday, April 14, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for His hand in helping me to make my recent choices.

I am so happy that I signed up to go to both seders at PJC.  I am approaching the holiday with tremendous joy rather than the fear and trepidation that I usually feel.  I never knew what any part of the triad would try to do to upset the seders and I'm so done with that.  

My decision to cancel Mother's Day was brilliant.  Who in their right mind treats people who treat you horribly to dinner???  It doesn't mean that I'm not going out to dinner.  I am.  It doesn't mean that I'm not getting a gift.  I am.  It just means that I am not rewarding those who abuse me.

I had a wonderful time at the Sisterhood Fashion Show last night.   There was much laughing.  I was seen as myself.  How wonderful.

Today I will walk and practice yoga.  There are chores to be done too.

I have a Memory Workshop this afternoon.

Thank you Almighty for helping me to make choices.

I am grateful.

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