Tuesday, April 5, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful surprise that I received yesterday.

I received an e-mail from PJC telling me that there will be 2 seders this year!!!!!!  I do not have to have the second one at home!!! I have already paid for the first one.  I released myself from the binds by telling them that I was going to Community Seders and now the Almighty made it happen!!!  No more misery for me as they try to do things to disrupt the seders.  I have freed myself from the binds.  I wrote out the check and will be delivering it today for the second seder.  Thank you Almighty.

Today I will practice yoga.  I have chores to do at Fresh Market.  I will walk at The Home Depot.  I will deliver my check to PJC.  Tonight I will again practice yoga and then attend my Sisterhood Meeting which will be fun.  It's a cooking lesson for Pesach!!

Thank you Almighty for all my surprises.

I am grateful.

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