Saturday, April 23, 2016


I am so grateful to the Almighty for the new path that he has chosen for me.  I am grateful for the choices that He has helped me to make.

Last night the PJC seder was wonderful.  I sat with friends who enjoyed being there and the conversations were natural and normal.  No one did me a favor by being there.  No one walked out or threatened what time to come.  No one negotiated time.  No one refused to drink the wine.  No one refused to eat the food. Everyone participated in the reading of the Hagaddah.

I enjoyed the joyful friendship of the Rabbi, Cantor, and all the participants.

I am happy with my choice and so glad to be going to the second seder at PJC.

I have freed myself from the binds.  I have made a choice to let go of that which doesn't serve me and I am so grateful.

Thank you Almighty for being there for me.

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