Tuesday, April 12, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life and all the joys that it has.

I love walking and practicing yoga.  I enjoy my book clubs.  I have friends and fun activities.
I even enjoy my chores.  For example, yesterday I cleaned yet another closet.

Today it is raining.  This means a walk at The Home Depot where I know workers by name.  It means practicing yoga with Rabbi Jay as my yoga mate and finding out the time of the Oneg Shabbat on Friday night.

Passover preparations continue with love and joy as I happily await the holiday.  This year I don't live in nervous fear as to what they will do to my holiday.  I text them with nonsense.  I don't ask questions of them because I don't want to know.  This makes me happy.  I know how to maintain quiet with a smile and to let go anything that I decide is not important.

Tonight I will attend a book discussion on theJodi Piccoult novel  Leaving Time. It was chosen this year as the novel for Long Island Reads.  I really enjoyed that book.

I am grateful for my new life.

Thank you Almighty.

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