Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty that I am here now.  I am happy. I am healthy.  I can hear birds singing.  I am off to begin another adventure.

There are times that my life will be twisted.   However, I will breathe.  I will be in the moment.  I will remember that I am also open and free.

I went to Restorative Yoga last night and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I am not stuck in this house.   I have created space for myself because I have choices.

I have an amazing day planned today.  There will be early walking. I will practice yoga.  This afternoon I will attend my yoga book club too.

I signed up for an event in my studio this afternoon.

I will be using Essential Oils to make household items such as bug spray, suntan lotion and after suntan lotion.

What a wonderful day.

Thank you Almighty for the ability to breathe, to be and to enjoy the day.

I am grateful.

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