Thursday, May 5, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have learned the true definition of yoga and it has changed my life.

Yoga means to quiet the mind so that the mind, body and spirit can work together.  I have been trying to do this these last four years and I believe that it is working.  I am taking myself up a new path slowly and enjoying each step.

Last night I attended a Yom Hashoah program at PJC and I found it to be very moving.  I was very comfortable sitting with synagogue friends.  I brought him with me but did not go around introducing him.

Today I will practice yoga.  I will walk at The Home Depot.  There is a piece of jewelry that I am going to create today.  I have been thinking about it for a while.  "If not now when" is my new motto. My financial advisor is coming over today. We will also be going to Rabbi Jay's for a Yom Hashoah Program and then out to eat.

Thank you Almighty for my new life.

I am grateful.

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