Sunday, May 8, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for the new life that He has given me and for the choices that He has helped me to make.

Yesterday was a wonderful day as I completed my certification to become a Reiki Healer.  I am so happy that I chose to do this.

Today I chose to cancel Mother's Day!!!!!  What was the point of driving, entertaining, paying for people who really don't care about you??  Yes,  I became a mother because that is what I wanted to do.  However that did not mean that I had to have myself abused for the rest of my life. I am no longer stuck.  I have created space.  I am making appropriate choices to keep myself healthy.

Today I will practice yoga.  As usual it is raining and so I will walk at The Home Depot. We will have dinner in a lovely restaurant.  It will be the day that I chose.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my new choices in life and for His being beside me every step of the way.

Thank you.

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