Thursday, May 12, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have internalized the concept of replying and not reacting.

I have also incorporated silence as a technique.

This has been an interesting week as I go about my new life doing very enjoyable things.  In the parallel life, the Triad has lifted it's ugly head again.  First there was the nasty text from the younger one on Mother's Day.  Yesterday he tried to engage my in a conversation about Jeff. He kept repeating the same comment over and over as if I would answer.  I never did and answered with another topic.  

It is amazing to me that I am having a wonderful week despite this.  The truth is that I am healing and have no desire to fix what is broken.

I have learned the power of silence and that I have the ability to choose what I will speak about.  I have space.  I'm not stuck.  I have choices.

When I wonder what kind of a family this is, I choose to love and not pity myself.

Today I will practice yoga. I will practice what I learned in Reiki II.  I will meditate.   I will walk.  I'm getting my hair colored and blown out.  Yesterday was the manicure/pedicure in purple and today it's the hair in purple.  The biggest question is should I put in a touch of blue??

We will go out for dinner since I will look wonderful.

Thank you Almighty for helping me always.

I am grateful.

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