Monday, May 23, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He sent me to yoga where I learned to see misery in perspective.

My husband is pure evil.  However my very own life is exceptional and I have learned to place the evil that I know is in him in perspective.  I have learned not to dwell on anything that he does or says. I am careful to make sure that he doesn't know the names of my friends anymore. He can't harm anyone.  His life is getting smaller while mine keeps getting larger.

Today I will walk outside on an early morning.  It is a beautiful day.  I will practice yoga and do some chores too.  I am reading a murder mystery for the yoga book club.  Matzah has to go to the vet too.

My life is a good one.  The Almighty has taught me to see misery in perspective and to let it go as a cloud.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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