Friday, May 13, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for the new life that He has given me.

I try each day to be content.  It's O.K.  I try to live in the moment and enjoy each and every moment.

Yesterday was amazing.  I practiced yoga with my yogi friend Jay.  I walked outside for two hours.  I went to ID and my hair is purple again.  We did not add the blue but Nick will do this when I get fresh hi-lites.  I went to dinner at Rachel's and thoroughly enjoyed it.

He tried the "silent treatment" all day.  I was supposed to ask what was wrong.  I never did. I lived in my moment and appreciated life.  I am so grateful for the new perspectives that I have learned in yoga.

Today I will practice yoga and walk.  Rain is threatened so walking might be at The Home Depot.  I am having lunch with yogi friends.  

It has been a wonderful week.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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