Monday, May 27, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because my life is calm and quiet.

This is Memorial Day Weekend.  I know now that it was a horror going to the condo/co-op.  He found people like himself.  I was alone as he satiated himself at the pool with Tony at the condo and Chris at the co-op.  Until he became ill, I cooked or we went to restaurants west of Westhampton Beach.  I was alone most of the time.  He loved The Hampton Synagogue because you got a free lunch but refused to give a contribution at the end of the summer or go to the end of summer festivities.  I was paying for it but I never got to attend.  He would be upset if I gave a donation.

I am grateful now because my life is calm and quiet.  I breathe.  I notice the world as I walk.  I love Meditation.  Yesterday I practiced in Margaret's class.  Today the studio is closed so I will extend my meditation and my walk.

I am loving the peacefulness of my new life.  I'm also deciding about shopping for food and yoga clothes because I have points from American Express.

No longer do I have to walk early in the morning.  I call read my paper and drink coffee in calm and quiet!!

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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