Tuesday, May 21, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty for the bright new life that He has chosen to give.

I so enjoyed meeting Seth's parents Sunday.  We had a wonderful time in my home which is now becoming a home that I entertain in.  Afterwards we went to Morrison's and had a delightful lunch.  Sari and are are texting each other and have become Facebook friends.

Yesterday I completed Level 2 of Meditation and will begin Level 3 on Wednesday. I practiced yoga too.  I was able to walk while Freddy power washed the deck.  Freddy has also begun to power wash the house.

Yesterday I discovered that I'm going to be a Grandma again!!!!  Dana's pregnant!!!!

Today I will practice yoga. I hope to walk.  My artist fiend Kathleen is coming with sketches to talk about the mural on my Yoga Room Wall.   I have a Sisterhood Board meeting.  I'm having lunch with Doris, Zita and Rose.

Life is so much fun and I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Thank you.

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