Sunday, May 26, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty for the peaceful feelings inside me.

Yesterday I had a wonderful peaceful experience at Plainview Jewish Center at services.  I sat with my friends and enjoyed the service.   I came home to have lunch and finish my book for the Plainview Book discussion.   I googled up the summary of the next two books for the Yoga Book Club and Sisterhood Book Club.

I was able to take a lovely walk.  I actually walked for two hours and five minutes.  The day was like a peaceful.

I cleaned the house too!!!!

I had dinner......tofu and vegetables and started the book for the Yoga Book Club.

Today I'm practicing yoga with Doreen.  I'm getting a manicure/pedicure and changing the color to blue this time.  I hope to get to Weight Watchers and I have an afternoon Meditation Appointment.

I will read too.  I will relax.  I will walk.

What a beautiful day.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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