Friday, May 17, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because I practiced yoga yesterday and it was here that the instructor spoke of being grounded in the present.

I am grateful because I now am able to live and enjoy the present moment.  I had my hair colored and blown out because I'm meeting Seth's parents on Sunday.  I enjoyed every moment.  Freddy is here working on my new Yoga Room.

I also went to a wonderful conference on Women's Health held in the Marriot of Melville.  It was a panel discussion with three doctors speaking of weight loss, gynecological issues and physical therapy.  It included dinner.  I went with Linda, Gail an Rhonnie.  I had never been to something like that.  It was awesome.

I am grounded and open to new things.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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