Tuesday, May 28, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because my heart is peaceful......my life is peaceful.

Yesterday I meditated.  I have made it to Level 3 and I am very proud of myself.  Afterwards I went to Athletica and cashed in some of my gift cards.  I went to the Walt Whitman Mall and to Lord and Taylors to cash in other gift cards.  Then I went to Fairway to do a bit of shopping and bought the most beautiful flowers to fill up the purple vase that Seth and Dana filled with flowers and sent me n Mother's Day.   I read, walked, had dinner and watched Chernobol.  It was a perfect end to a perfect weekend that I planned for me!!!

Today I will practice yoga.  I will meditate too.  I'm having lunch with a girlfriend.  I've got chores to do.

Life is peaceful.  Life is quiet.  

It's beautiful.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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