Tuesday, May 14, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because I practiced yoga yesterday with Leslie and she spoke of the light inside us and how each of us is whole and complete.

I never understood those concepts nor did I feel that way until my abusers were gone.

It never ceases to amaze me as to how calm, content and joyful I am in life.

I accomplished so much yesterday.   I made reservations at Morrison's for Sundays brunch where I will be meeting Seth's parents.  I bought a salad for lunch.  I put gas in the truck and I purchased wine.

Later in the day, I took Matzah for a checkup.  Today he will go for a grooming. We are meeting Seth's parents on Sunday and I want him to look good.

I was able to watch Chernobyl last night.  I am facilitating a book discussion for Sisterhood and the show helped me to get historical background.

Today I will practice yoga and go food shopping.  Perhaps I will go to PJC and watch the en's Club film.

Whatever I do I feel happy, whole and compete.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Thank you.

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