Saturday, May 25, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty for many reasons on this Memorial Day weekend.

I am grateful because the Almighty gave me the qualities of a hero.  I am strong and determined.  I love myself and believe in myself.  I am a survivor of abuse.

I am grateful that Freddy was here yesterday to work on my deck.  Then we had a glass of wine together.

I am grateful because I was able to Meditate, practice yoga and walk.

I am grate that I was able to figure out how to attach a new chain to Matzah so I could sit in the front.

Today I will attend services at PJC.  I will walk and enjoy the holiday weekend. No more will I have the work of bringing everything to the condo/co-op just to be abused there.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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