Thursday, October 30, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am finally, after all these years learning how to handle acceptance.

I was delighted that yesterday, I was invited to lunch by my yoga group after Friday's yoga class.  It was wonderful to be accepted on my own after being ignored all these years because I had horrific children!!!!

I am beginning to accept that he will forever try and do things to upset me.   Although this is difficult to live with,  I am slowly becoming comfortable with it, so that when he does something decent, it does as a surprise.

I am beginning to accept and not to mention vacations because the reality is that I won't ever be going on one with him.

I finally accept that we will not be buying another condo and will just be making believe that we are doing so.  I finally accept that that is a good thing because if we did make the purchase, he would "work the crowd" until no one spoke to me.

I accept the fact that he will not do anything with me.   To be politically correct and to shut him down, I always ask him to go, knowing that he will always say, "no."

I am so relieved about this because I can enjoy my own life.

I will do three special things today.  I will be attending a Project Pace Book Discussion where I thoroughly enjoyed the book.  I will be attending a fundraiser entitled, Karen's Hope,  for my friend Laura.  I also was interviewed to volunteer at P.A.C.E. I want to work in their office.  It is good to be able to do things in the town that I live in without the threat of those girls over me like a dark cloud.

I am looking forward to these activities.

Thank you, Almighty because I have begun to understand and accept the concept of acceptance.

I am grateful!!!!

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