Sunday, October 5, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me strength and fortitude.

Last night, even though I had fasted all day, he was in rare form.  He was looking for something, anything to start arguing about.  I knew this and during services I made sure to realize that I would be exhausted and was prepared to say absolutely nothing.  I won.

I enjoyed my day at services.  The prayers and Rabbi's speech were very spiritual.  I enjoyed the healing session with the Rabbi too.  When I came home, I was pleased to have a quiet dinner and then was able to read and generally get my house back in shape.

I'm up early to walk.  I hope to take a yoga class and then go to Weight Watchers.

Today I have to go to a brunch with the older one's family.  If you remember, he hates the boyfriend and the family.  This should be interesting..........more later!!!!

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