Thursday, October 16, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am alive and happy today.

I went to a yoga class yesterday.  The teacher said that TODAY is your life.  YESTERDAY is gone.  TOMORROW hasn't come.  TODAY IS YOUR LIFE.  I am grateful to the Almighty because I have today!!!

Today it is raining.  This is fine because I'm going to PJC for services and yizkor.  My neck feels really good after all that yoga yesterday.  I felt a real strain in it...........but two classes later, I'm fine.

Today is a TO BE day.  I'm going to have to decide what I'm doing.

More Later-

Services were wonderful!!!  It was nice hanging out with friends.  The weather is clearing and so I probably will be able to walk!!!!!  

I was able to walk.  It was wonderful.  

Tonight I will be lighting candles for Simchat Torah.

I am grateful to the Almighty for today. 

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