Sunday, October 19, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the new adventures in my life.

I have left my old life behind, thanks to the Almighty and I am embarking on new adventures.

Yesterday was an example.  Services and kiddush were wonderful.  I loved being with my synagogue friends. We made plans for dinner and book club on Wednesday.   After synagogue I walked only for an hour and then went to my Reiki and Restorative Yoga Workshop which was very spiritual.  I came home and politically asked him if he wanted to go to the dog park.  Knowing that the answer would be, "No," I continued the second hour of my walk.  I texted both daughters, again politically. I also spoke to friends.   At night, I watched Lone Survivor on HBO which is another book that I have to read for a club.   The day was amazing.

Today I will walk and then go to yoga and Weight Watchers.   Again I let him plan the remainder of the day.  I do this quietly and it works.  I'm proud of me.   I'm also thankful that the Almighty is in my life to help me to make all this happen.

The plan is to walk in the mall and go to dinner.

It's fine with me.

It's all good.

We walked the mall and I bought yoga items with a gift card that was my Mother's Day gift. I treated him to dinner.  I paid cash.   When we returned home I saw the ending of Boardwalk Empire. Next week is the finale.

Thank you, Almighty for my new adventures.

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