Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for all of my accomplishments.

What occurred yesterday was an example of my gratitude.   He was in an aggressive mood and was looking for things to say that would bring me down the wrong road every time that I saw him.   However, his strategy did not work at all.  I just continued on my way doing the things that gave me joy.

I did not even question why he was in my life.  I just continued my life in a positive way.  Looking back to yesterday, I am very pleased with the way that I handled the day.  I did not even have moments where I asked myself, "why me?"  That is a major accomplishment for me.

 Today I will walk.  I've decided to attend Mel's yoga class before the Yoga Book Club.  Both of those activities will be fun.

 My plan is to read yet another new book for the Plainview Book Club, BREWSTER.

Tonight begins the last of the Jewish holidays.  There is a yizkor service tomorrow and Simchat Torah services on Friday.  Saturday is Shabbos and I have a yoga workshop.

I love having activities to look forward to.

I am grateful to the Almighty for getting me to a place where I can appreciate my accomplishments.

Thank you, Almighty.

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