Friday, October 3, 2014


I am so grateful to the Almighty because He helped me make it through the rain this year.

Tonight is Kol Nidre and tomorrow is Yom Kippur.   I will be at services all day praying that this year my family and myself will have a healthy and happy New Year.

I always am nervous at this time of year because I want us all to be inscribed in the Book of Life.  I pray it is so.

The year has been awesome because I made it through the rain and learned how to handle all my adversaries.  For the third year in a row,  I did not invite them.  It has made the holiday so much more spiritual.   One stayed in pjs all day and never went to services.  The other went to services and then acted in a juvenile manner.  For example, she never prayed but spent time bending her father's thumb back!!!!   Gone are the break fasts where no one fasted and I only did a break fast to encourage my daughters to be observant.  You can see how that worked out!!!!

I pray that the New Year will bring us Health, Happiness, Peace and Calmness.  I hope to continue to benefit from all that yoga has taught me.

Thank you, Almighty.

I am grateful.

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