Monday, October 27, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because today is Monday and I am retired!!!!!

It's a vacation!!!!

Last night we took the younger one and her significant other to the dog park so that Matzah had playmates.  From marrying a Black Orthodox Jew who converted to Christianity to Islam to Orthodox Judiasm to being a lesbian.   That's why yoga allows me to let go!!!!!!

I did get to watch the Boardwalk Empire finale and really enjoyed it.

This morning I went to services because today was the anniversary of the day that my father died.  I was never able to do that before because I went to work.   I will try to get to the morning minyon tomorrow and the days after.

I'm going to walk now.  It's a beautiful day!!!!   I have a yoga class later and then an Apple lesson.

Tonight begins the Jewish Adult Education classes.  I'm looking forward to my class. It deals with Greek and Jewish mythology.

Thank you Almighty for this beautiful Monday and for my retirement.

I am grateful!!!!

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